Friday, August 14, 2020

Fireman Test 2020 -- First Aid - 40 model questions a and answers


Fireman - First Aid - 40 model questions a and answers

1.Wounds caused by blows, blunt instruments or by punching is known as;

Ans: Contusions

2.The removal of a limb by trauma is known as;

Ans: Amputation

3.The germs multiply in the wounds and make it infected. It is called as;

Ans: Septic

4.Which among the following is a part of the body’s method to fight an infection?

Ans: Pus formation

5.Penetrating injury in which part of the body is also known as ‘pneumothorax’;

Ans: Chest

6.The shock due to severe blood loss is called;

Ans: Hypovolemic shock

7. If the blood loss exceeds ————litres , shock may occur;

Ans:1.2 litres

8. Anaphylactic shocks are due to;

Ans: Severe allergic reactions

9.The case of the first aid to shocks;

Ans: Never use hot water bottles

10. Hypoglycaemia is the condition of;

Ans: Low blood sugar

11.What is the full form of SOP?

Ans: Standard operating procedures

12.Each ———should have a SOP for any disaster:

Ans: School

13.Availability of which among the followings at the work place is a great asset to the factory at the time of emergency?

Ans: Trained first aider

14.The escorters of a road accident victim:

Ans: Should be treated with courtesy

15.In rural areas, the tetanus infection is common from:

Ans: Wounds

16.In medicine, the process of sorting patients in the order of priority for treatment and evacuation is called:

Ans: Triage

17.In the case of injuries, which color triage indicates fatal injuries?

Ans: Black

18.In relation with the survival rate, which color triage indicates good survival rate?

Ans: Yellow

19.The fifth category of non-wounded , but the victims of the incident yet seem not be in injured is indicated by which color triage?

Ans: Blue

20.Which type of bandages are used to support injured joints?

Ans: Tubular bandages

21.Which are the two types of bone fractures?

Ans:closed & Open

22.When the bonds are broken into many pieces, it is called?

Ans: Complex fracture

23.A whiplash injury may occur in which part of the body as part of an accident:

Ans: Neck

24.Splints are commonly applied for the fractures of:

Ans: Forearm

25.Breast bone injuries are common in:

Ans: Crush injuries

26.When the ligaments of a joint or the tissues surrounding the joint are torn, it is called a?

Ans: Sprain

27.—— is a state in which the casualty becomes insensible to commands because of an interruption to the normal functioning of the brain?

Ans: Unconsciousness

28.A shake up of the brain inside the skull is known as:

Ans: Concussion

29.Which among the following causes diarrhoea infection?

(a)Drinking contaminated water
(b)Preparing food with contaminated water
(c)Eating unsafe food

Ans:(d)All the above

30.0RS stands for:

Ans: Oral re-hydration solution

31.Which among the followings is not a first-aid protocol?

Ans: CCP

32.In the first-aid, ABC stands for:

Ans:(d)All the above

33.CPR helps to maintain:

Ans: The flow of oxygenated blood

34.Which radiation of sunlight causes ‘sunburn’:

Ans: Ultraviolet

35.Swelling, blistering & weeping skin are the symptoms of:

Ans: Severe sunburn

36.Which among the following is not true regarding the sunburn?

Ans: Black surface increase the risk of sunburn

37.Sunburn on which part of the body is known as ‘ photokeratitis’?

Ans: Eyes

38.Snow blindness or welders blindness is caused by:

Ans: Sunburn

39.A milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after prolonged exposure to high temperature is called:

Ans: Heat exhaustion

40.Which among the following group is/are most prone to the heat exhaustion;

(a)Elderly people
(b)People with high BP
(c)People working in hot environment

Ans:(d)All the above

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